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Frequently Asked Questions: Mission Vision Centre

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Are there any medicines prescribed ?
  • Mission Vision Centre does not involve any medication or eye surgery. It only consists of eye exercises, eye massage and acupressure.

Is there any restriction on the age of the participant ?
  • We have children from the age of 4 years to senior citizens joining the course. Our oldest participant who has benefited from Vision Yoga is 92 years old.

Can I teach these exercises to my friends and relatives ?
  • No, the exercises given to you are chosen after studying your eye disorder, your age, your work etc. The exercises are not common for all except one or two exercises like palming and sun treatment, so it is recommended that you do not teach these exercises to others.

Can the number which has reduced come back ?
  • Your eyeball is a jelly like ball and it is changing shape all the time. You need to do the exercises and use your eyes correctly to maintain your reduced number. Most participants are able to retain the reduced number.

What are the timings of the centre ?
  • We are open from 7 8 p.m. in the evening.You can choose your time depending on the availability of the slot.Eye Therapy duration will be 1:30 to 2 hour.

How does Mision Vision Centre work ?
  • The Mission Vision Centre exercises work on the different parts of the eye, the voluntary and involuntary muscles to give miraculous results.

Do I have to continue these exercises for my life time ?
  • We recommend that you do the exercises for 20 minutes every day. It’s just like brushing your teeth, you are never worried about it, and it’s become automatic for you. We will teach you how to put these exercises into your day to day life, so that you can do one exercise while having tea, another while having a bath, another while travelling and so on.

Do I have to discard wearing specs during the course ?
  • During the course, you have to wear glasses which my ophthalmologist suggest.And that's power is going to be decreased slowly.And after the check up of vision which is done every week at centre, you can stop the Glasses for lifetime when u got 6/6 vision from both eyes as well as individual eyes.Then no need to wear glasses for lifetime.

What is the duration of the course ?
  • The course can be of 1 day to 4 weeks depending on eye problem. The duration of the course will be suggested by us after studying your case. You will have to come to the Mission Vision centre for offline duty. We are also providing  online service all our globe.

What results can I expect ?
  • You can expect very good results. Our experience of so many years shows that the results depend on the intensity of the problem, your body constitution and the rigor with which you do the exercises as well as follow our instructions. The results that we have experienced till date are between 0.50 to 12 numbers reducing during the course.

How many people have been benefited by these exercises ?
  • More than 1800 plus people have been benefitted from Mission Vision Centre through exercises, workshops and lectures all over the globe.

When was Mission Vision Centre established ?
  • Mission Vision Centre was started in 2001 by Dr, Zankhana Maheshwari with mission "My Mission of life is perfect Vision for all. "

What is Vision Yoga ?
  • Vision Yoga is a holistic life style to improve your vision. It includes eye exercises, eye massage, acupressure, diet and Proper use of eyes.